Our Blog

All I want for Christmas is youuuuuu

All I want for Christmas is youuuuuu

BLOG 5I DON'T want A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS... ‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…’ Yes, you got it, it’s you.   I thought this Christmas I’d help Mariah earn a few more royalties 😉 Christmas isn’t Christmas without a bit of Mariah is...

Gone away is the bluebird Here to stay is a new bird…

Gone away is the bluebird Here to stay is a new bird…

BLOG 4 Gone away is the bluebird Here to stay is a new bird…Well, that year has flown by hasn’t it? It feels like minutes since I was writing last year’s festive message and here we are again. I hope it’s been a good one for you. For the coop, it’s been incredibly...

Blog Three – Love. It starts with a feeling

Blog Three – Love. It starts with a feeling

BLOG 3Love. It starts with a feelingSomeone, once, much cleverer than myself, said: ‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ So true.  What’s truer, is that this also extends beyond...

Blog 2 – And so this is Christmas

Blog 2 – And so this is Christmas

BLOG 2 AND SO THIS IS CHRISTMAS... ‘And so this is Christmas, and what have we done?’ Frankly, Lennon, not a lot… This Christmas, John Lennon’s words couldn’t resonate more. Seriously, what a year? I don’t think anyone has done very much. (On a social level of...

Blog 1 – Stories Matter

Blog 1 – Stories Matter

BLOG 1 STORIES MATTEREveryone has a story to tell I can’t quite believe that 10 years has passed since Redhen was launched. The time has quite literally flown, and I find myself in that awkward position where I have to follow my own advice. After all, how can I expect...

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