It starts with a feeling
Someone, once, much cleverer than myself, said:
‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’
So true.
What’s truer, is that this also extends beyond personal relationships, but in business too. You can have the best product in the world, but if your service and your people don’t back it, then you’re literally flogging a dead horse. Your brand needs to live, breathe and be supported, internally and externally. It has to honestly live its values.

Love me, love me, love me.
Say you do.
When it comes to branding, the most memorable brands connect. They resonate with their customers. They’re intuitive, human, all-knowing.They have the answers, even before they’re posed. But how can you make a customer fall in love with your brand?
Start with something memorable
Create a visual brand identity that upholds and conveys your key values as a company. What do you want your customers to take away? How do you want to make them feel? We’ve been developing a website for a client recently and on the initial round of feedback that said, we can perhaps do something with this… For me that wasn’t good enough. No I want more. I want something that wows. Regardless of the product we’re selling. We need to inspire and drive an action.
- A powerful brand identity. The key to success in creating a persuasive and compelling brand lies in creating a strong visual identity and unique voice.
- Go the extra mile with service. Service is where you will always gain the advantage. Apparently 89% of customers stop doing business with a company after experiencing bad customer service. (Hubspot)
- Honest and credible content. Much like falling in love, you need to seduce, entice and then keep on interesting your customers. Now, I am no hypocrite here. I am so busy often working on client content that I fall short. I am like the cobbler’s son. But it doesn’t mean I feel any less passion for my brand.
- Here’s an interesting fact – ‘B2B companies with blogs generate more traffic than those who don’t and Twitter users buy from brands they follow.’ (Hubspot)
- Only connect. Create a distinctive brand. Speak differently. A brand isn’t just about how you look, but how you sound and act too. It is so much more than a logo. How do you make your customers feel? Do they love you?
- Under promise. Over deliver. 3 out of 4 customers say they have spent more with a company because of a history of positive experiences.
- Spread the word. Tell people about the positive experiences of your brand. Apparently…. By adding testimonials to your website you can increase sales by 250% or more. This seems like a hell of a lot to me. But hey! It all adds up to the most powerful and convincing brand experiences.
Why image is important
What you think you see, isn’t always what others see. Which is why you need someone with (too many years) experience to help shape your image.
Here is an example why. Bless him. This is the handy work of my son. Now, what do you see? He sees a lighthouse…. Let someone with the knowledge and vision; help shape yours. He should have clearly spoken to me before… How will I ever take this in to the teacher?

It’s not you it’s me. Well it’s a bit you… It’s us really…
We’ve all been there at one point or another in our lives. You lose your way. Not every supplier is right for a particular type of business and vice versa. And that’s fine. It’s what makes this merry world go round. I’ve always lived by the principal of ‘do unto others as you would have done to yourself’. It doesn’t always work. You can sometimes be perceived as being too ‘nice’, too ‘needy’, too ‘bothersome’. And sometimes it can be too much… But it’s always with good intention and reason. I want the best for my clients. And selfishly it’s because, when they do well, it reflects on me too.
Love. It’s a two way street.
We’re not always meant for one another. But wow, when it works, it’s magical isn’t it?
Thanks for this great testimonial and referral Steve:
Having worked with many marketing people/companies over the years, I hold Sarah’s expertise in high regard. You’d be hard pushed to find anyone better. She genuinely cares about her clients and their commercial objectives, all the while being creative with it.
Steve Langford, Construction Technical Consultant
And so, a little note from me to you on Valentine’s. Thank you for your custom. It means the world and to get you in the mood for your Valentine evening… You can’t beat a bit of Sade.
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
Whether you’re just starting out, or are an established brand looking for a little fresh thinking, please get in touch using the form below and I’ll get back to you asap.