‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…’

Yes, you got it, it’s you.


I thought this Christmas I’d help Mariah earn a few more royalties 😉 Christmas isn’t Christmas without a bit of Mariah is it and it’s the perfect way to tell our clients just how important they are to us. 

It’s incredible how fast this year has flown by. We say that every year don’t we, but it’s true. And just as habitually, I’m struggling to boil down our best bits. That probably sounds a bit pretentious but if you can’t fluff your feathers at Christmas, when can you? 

This past year we’ve been involved in so many exciting new projects, some we still can’t reveal quite yet… Soon, very soon… New websites, numerous brochures, ad campaigns, photoshoots, video, and of course all the usual bread and butter stuff, that granted is less sexy, but still totally essential – analytics, Google Ads, SEO strategy… At Redhen creativity never ever comes at the expense of commerciality. Creativity has to deliver. Which is why everything we do is underpinned by strategic commercial thinking. 

And so to the point, here are just a few of the wondrous things we’ve been working on this year:

Brand development for a new health and well-being coach and unique lifestyle programme

From concept and creative, to photoshoots, commercial presentations and digital development…

This has been an intensive project this year and we’re so very close to revealing it in its entirety. It was probably not the wisest idea to take the research poolside… 😉 As one of my client’s noted, it was like my own Love Actually scene, without Colin Firth to rescue me. You live and continually learn that business and pleasure often don’t mix! Haha. But you do end up with beautifully brown legs. (And soggy paper.)

An extensive and exhilarating project which has encompassed the whole marketing mix.

Including a recipe book too: 

 Summertime photoshoots…

I had the pleasure of working with an old friend, Andy Haslam, for these summer time photoshoots. There’s something very comforting about working with someone who knows you well. They know your flaws, your obsessions, your niggles, they know you won’t accept anything than ‘the’ shot. And when you’re both perfectionists and things have to be just so…All of that usually means that the end result is something special, and it was.  

This ‘snapshot’ is a simply a little taster; there is so much we have to share with you. For many years I’ve been interested in the difference mindset has on sporting success, so to say I’m thrilled to be working on this project, with friends, is an understatement.

Brand development for Petrarch Panels, with countless new case studies & NBS Source specification development

Helping Unity Doors make their debut at The Fire Safety Event

Another key highlight was supporting our client Unity Doors in making their debut at the fire show. It was a highly successful show with excellent footfall, with a great deal of interest in their stand – resulting in Unity also signing up for next year’s show! We were privileged to have supported the group with the concept development and creative – working closely alongside Showplace to bring it all to life!

It’s been another magical year in the coop, for which we’d like to say a huge thank you! I’m rounding off as I usually do, with a little flash of the best festive advertising campaigns of 2024.

What better way to get you into the cheer, than a heartfelt Christmas ad? John Lewis has taken a different tack this year, for which they’ve come under criticism; but controversially, I think it resonates more. ‘The Gifting Hour’ manages to nail ‘the feels’ and ‘the frenzy’ of Christmas which just the right balance of nostalgia and commercial focus. OK, it’s not Disney, there’s no cute and cuddly bear or hare, but for me they’ve managed to capture the frantic feeling most of us have at Christmas when trying to find the perfect present for our loved ones. 

From Christmas ads to Christmas email campaigns… Of course we’ve been getting into festive spirit with our clients 😉 It isn’t always easy making industrial materials such as Downer Framing ‘Christmassy’, but with a little help from an elf, anything is achievable! 

However you’re celebrating Christmas, we hope you have the best time with your family and loved ones.

If you’re struggling to get into any other spirit than an alcoholic one ( 😉 ) Here are a few ideas:

‘Love Actually’ is my go to Christmas movie, swiftly followed by ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and this Christmas Eve, now that the children are a little older, I’m opting for Scrooge, the original with Alastair Sim. I hope they’re ready for it.

If you’ve had your fill of Mariah… How about a cheery alternative! A silly Christmas song and a glass of fizz should get you in the mood. 😉  

Have a truly fabulous Christmas everyone! 

Let’s Start Something new
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Whether you’re just starting out, or are an established brand looking for a little fresh thinking, please get in touch using the form below and I’ll get back to you asap.

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